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A - ロボットの誘導
#HTTF First I thought that minus scores are appeared in the standings, which was actually wrong. AC solutions with minus scores were regarded as just WAs. Thus, I made up my mind to get the minimum score, that is, 1.
— Kazune Takahashi (@kazune_lab) 2019年11月2日
Then, I focused on the total score is just the sum of the 50 cases. The 47 cases were hidden, but fixed. I decided that I obtained minus scores on the other 49 cases which was totally roughly -50,000 points and then reach the plus score on the first case which was not hidden.
— Kazune Takahashi (@kazune_lab) 2019年11月2日
Actually I succeeded in gaining the minus score, -55,791 points as the sum of the 49 cases then I found a solution for 58,212 points for the first example by a randomly way. Then I filled unneeded panels to lose my point down to 55,792 points. Thus the total score was 1.
— Kazune Takahashi (@kazune_lab) 2019年11月2日