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:heavy_check_mark: DataStructure/tests/RangeMinimumQuery.test.cpp

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#include "../SegTree.cpp"

#define PROBLEM ""

int main()
  int N;
  cin >> N;
  auto tree{RangeMinQuery<int>(N)};
  int Q;
  cin >> Q;
  for (auto q{0}; q < Q; ++q)
    int t;
    cin >> t;
    if (t == 0)
      int k, x;
      cin >> k >> x;
      tree.update(k, x);
      int s, t;
      cin >> s >> t;
      cout << tree.query(s, t + 1) << endl;

#line 1 "DataStructure/SegTree.cpp"
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
using ll = long long;

// ----- SegTree -----
// Referring to the following great materials.
//  - tsutaj-san's article:
//  - drken-san's article:
//  - tsutaj-san's libary:
// Many thanks to them.

template <typename Monoid, typename Action>
class SegTree
  struct SegNode
    bool need_update;
    unique_ptr<SegNode> left, right;
    Monoid value;
    Action lazy_value;

    // constructor
    SegNode() {}
    SegNode(Monoid value, Action lazy_value)
        : need_update{false},
          lazy_value{lazy_value} {}

    // copy constructor
    SegNode(SegNode const &node)
        : need_update{node.need_update},
      if (node.left)
        left = make_unique<SegNode>(*(node.left));
      if (node.right)
        left = make_unique<SegNode>(*(node.right));

    // copy assignment
    SegNode &operator=(SegNode const &node)
      SegNode tmp{node};
      swap(tmp, *this);
      return *this;

    // move constructor
    SegNode(SegNode &&node)
        : need_update{node.need_update},
          lazy_value{node.lazy_value} {}

    // move assignment
    SegNode &operator=(SegNode &&node)
      swap(need_update, node.need_update);
      swap(left, node.left);
      swap(right, node.right);
      swap(value, node.value);
      swap(lazy_value, node.lazy_value);
      return *this;

  using FuncAction = function<void(Monoid &, Action)>;
  using FuncMonoid = function<Monoid(Monoid, Monoid)>;
  using FuncLazy = function<void(Action &, Action)>;
  using FuncIndex = function<Action(Action, int)>;

  // fields
  int N;
  unique_ptr<SegNode> root;
  // unities
  Monoid unity_monoid;
  Action unity_action;
  // functions
  FuncAction func_update;
  FuncMonoid func_combine;
  FuncLazy func_lazy;
  FuncIndex func_accumulate;

  // constructor
  SegTree() {}
      int n, Monoid unity_monoid, Action unity_action,
      FuncAction func_update,
      FuncMonoid func_combine,
      FuncLazy func_lazy,
      FuncIndex func_accumulate)
      : N{1}, root{make_unique<SegNode>(unity_monoid, unity_action)},
        unity_monoid{unity_monoid}, unity_action{unity_action},
    while (N < n)
      N <<= 1;

  // copy constructor
  SegTree(SegTree const &tree)
      : N{tree.N}, unity_monoid{tree.unity_monoid}, unity_action{tree.unity_action},
    if (tree.root)
      root = make_unique<SegNode>(*(tree.root));

  // copy assignment
  SegTree &operator=(SegTree const &tree)
    SegTree tmp{tree};
    swap(tmp, *this);
    return *this;

  // move constructor
  SegTree(SegTree &&tree)
      : N{tree.N}, root{move(tree.root)},
        unity_monoid(tree.unity_monoid), unity_action(tree.unity_action),
        func_accumulate{tree.func_accumulate} {}

  // move assignment
  SegTree &operator=(SegTree &&tree)
    swap(N, tree.N);
    swap(root, tree.root);
    swap(unity_monoid, tree.unity_monoid);
    swap(unity_action, tree.unity_action);
    swap(func_update, tree.func_update);
    swap(func_combine, tree.func_combine);
    swap(func_lazy, tree.func_lazy);
    swap(func_accumulate, tree.func_accumulate);
    return *this;

  void update(int a, int b, Action const &x) { update(root.get(), a, b, x, 0, N); }
  void update(int a, Action const &x) { update(a, a + 1, x); }
  Monoid query(int a, int b) { return query(root.get(), a, b, 0, N); }
  Monoid query(int a) { return query(a, a + 1); }
  Monoid operator[](size_t i) { return query(static_cast<int>(i)); }

  void node_maker(unique_ptr<SegNode> &pt) const
    if (!pt)
      pt = make_unique<SegNode>(unity_monoid, unity_action);

  void evaluate(SegNode *node, int l, int r)
    if (!node->need_update)
    func_update(node->value, func_accumulate(node->lazy_value, r - l));
    if (r - l > 1)
      func_lazy(node->left->lazy_value, node->lazy_value);
      node->left->need_update = true;
      func_lazy(node->right->lazy_value, node->lazy_value);
      node->right->need_update = true;
    node->lazy_value = unity_action;
    node->need_update = false;

  void update(SegNode *node, int a, int b, Action const &x, int l, int r)
    evaluate(node, l, r);
    if (b <= l || r <= a)
    if (a <= l && r <= b)
      func_lazy(node->lazy_value, x);
      node->need_update = true;
      evaluate(node, l, r);
      auto mid{(l + r) >> 1};
      update(node->left.get(), a, b, x, l, mid);
      update(node->right.get(), a, b, x, mid, r);
      node->value = func_combine(node->left->value, node->right->value);

  Monoid query(SegNode *node, int a, int b, int l, int r)
    if (b <= l || r <= a)
      return unity_monoid;
    evaluate(node, l, r);
    if (a <= l && r <= b)
      return node->value;
    auto mid{(l + r) >> 1};
    auto vl{(node->left ? query(node->left.get(), a, b, l, mid) : unity_monoid)};
    auto vr{(node->right ? query(node->right.get(), a, b, mid, r) : unity_monoid)};
    return func_combine(vl, vr);

// ----- RangePlusQuery -----
//  - update(i, x) : a[i] += x;,
//  - update(s, t, x) : a[i] += x; for all i \in [s, t),
//  - query(i) : return a[i];,
//  - query(s, t) : return the sum a[i] where i runs on [s, t).

// ----- RangeSumQuery -----
//  - update(i, x) : a[i] += x;,
//  - query(s, t) : return the sum a[i] where i runs on [s, t).

// ----- RangeAddQuery -----
//  - update(s, t, x) : a[i] += x; for all i \in [s, t),
//  - query(i) : return a[i].

// ----- RSU_RAU -----
//  - update(s, t, x) : a[i] += x; for all i \in [s, t),
//  - query(s, t) : return the sum a[i] where i runs on [s, t).

template <typename Monoid>
SegTree<Monoid, Monoid> RangePlusQuery(int N, Monoid const &monoid_zero)
  using Action = Monoid;
  return SegTree<Monoid, Action>{
      N, monoid_zero, monoid_zero,
      [](Monoid &x, Action y) { x += y; },
      [](Monoid x, Monoid y) { return x + y; },
      [](Action &x, Action y) { return x += y; },
      [](Action x, int y) { return x * static_cast<Action>(y); }};

template <typename Monoid>
SegTree<Monoid, Monoid> RangePlusQuery(int N)
  return RangePlusQuery<Monoid>(N, 0);

// ----- RangeMinQuery -----
//  - update(i, x) : a[i] = x;,
//  - update(s, t, x) : a[i] = x; for all i \in [s, t),
//  - query(i) : return a[i];,
//  - query(s, t) : return the minimum of a[i] where i runs on [s, t).

// ----- RangeMinimumQuery -----
//  - update(i, x) : a[i] = x;,
//  - query(s, t) : return the minimum of a[i] where i runs on [s, t).

// ----- RangeUpdateQuery -----
//  - update(s, t, x) : a[i] = x; for all i \in [s, t),
//  - query(i) : return a[i].

// ----- RMQ_RUQ -----
//  - update(s, t, x) : a[i] = x; for all i \in [s, t),
//  - query(s, t) : return the minimum of a[i] where i runs on [s, t).

template <typename Monoid>
SegTree<Monoid, Monoid> RangeMinQuery(int N, Monoid const &monoid_infty)
  using Action = Monoid;
  return SegTree<Monoid, Action>{
      N, monoid_infty, monoid_infty,
      [](Monoid &x, Action y) { x = y; },
      [](Monoid x, Monoid y) { return min(x, y); },
      [](Action &x, Action y) { return x = y; },
      [](Action x, int) { return x; }};

template <typename Monoid>
SegTree<Monoid, Monoid> RangeMinQuery(int N)
  return RangeMinQuery<Monoid>(N, numeric_limits<Monoid>::max());

// ----- RMQ_RAQ -----
//  - update(s, t, x) : a[i] += x; for all i \in [s, t),
//  - query(s, t) : return the minimum of a[i] where i runs on [s, t).
// update should be called as follows.
// tree.update(s, t, make_tuple(x, true));

template <typename Monoid>
SegTree<Monoid, tuple<Monoid, bool>> RMQ_RAQ(int N, Monoid const &monoid_zero, Monoid const &monoid_infty)
  using Action = tuple<Monoid, bool>;
  auto tree{SegTree<Monoid, Action>{
      N, monoid_infty, Action{monoid_zero, true},
      [](Monoid &x, Action y) {
        if (get<1>(y))
          x += get<0>(y);
          x = get<0>(y);
      [](Monoid x, Monoid y) { return min(x, y); },
      [](Action &x, Action y) {
        if (get<1>(y))
          get<0>(x) += get<0>(y);
          x = y;
      [](Action x, int) { return x; }}};
  tree.update(0, N, Action{monoid_zero, false});
  return tree;

template <typename Monoid>
SegTree<Monoid, tuple<Monoid, bool>> RMQ_RAQ(int N)
  return RMQ_RAQ<Monoid>(N, 0, numeric_limits<Monoid>::max());

// ----- RSQ_RUQ -----
//  - update(s, t, x) : a[i] = x; for all i \in [s, t),
//  - query(s, t) : return the sum of a[i] where i runs on [s, t).

template <typename Monoid>
SegTree<Monoid, Monoid> RSQ_RUQ(int N, Monoid const &monoid_zero)
  using Action = Monoid;
  return SegTree<Monoid, Action>{
      N, monoid_zero, monoid_zero,
      [](Monoid &x, Action y) { x = y; },
      [](Monoid x, Monoid y) { return x + y; },
      [](Action &x, Action y) { return x = y; },
      [](Action x, int y) { return x * static_cast<Action>(y); }};

template <typename Monoid>
SegTree<Monoid, Monoid> RSQ_RUQ(int N)
  return RSQ_RUQ<Monoid>(N, 0);
#line 2 "DataStructure/tests/RangeMinimumQuery.test.cpp"

#define PROBLEM ""

int main()
  int N;
  cin >> N;
  auto tree{RangeMinQuery<int>(N)};
  int Q;
  cin >> Q;
  for (auto q{0}; q < Q; ++q)
    int t;
    cin >> t;
    if (t == 0)
      int k, x;
      cin >> k >> x;
      tree.update(k, x);
      int s, t;
      cin >> s >> t;
      cout << tree.query(s, t + 1) << endl;

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